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Year 5 and Year 6

Welcome to our class page.

Year 5 and 6 are taught in our 'Explorer Block' - this begins to give them greater independence and supports their transition to secondary school.  They have base classes where their curriculum is shared across both Year 5 and 6.  English and Maths is taught in learning groups where children learn within their own year group.

Our children in Year 5 have the responsibility of being sport leaders - they are trained so they can lead games on the playground, they may also be chosen to be a playground buddy.  Our playground buddies will support children in younger years with small games.

Year 5 children continue to be representative on the school council and will often take visitors around the school.

The children in Year 6 have the opportunity to go to Manor Adventure, Norfolk Lakes in October for a week.  This enables them to continue to learn resilience and team building.  The children will continue representation on the school council and many may continue being sports leaders.  Transition with the children's secondary school is extremely important - the children may visit the school and will also receive a visit from their chosen school.

We also have Ambassadors - these are chosen Year 6 children by the whole school - the Ambassadors will support the school council. Lead weekly assemblies and will often meet and greet our visitors.